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A group of foreign-born Canadians is taking legal action against the Canadian government over the second-generation cut-off rule. This rule determines that only those who are born in Canada or to Canadian parents can be granted citizenship in the country. According to the plaintiffs, this regulation is discriminatory and violates their rights as Canadian citizens.

The group is pushing for the second-generation cut-off rule to be invalidated, claiming that it no longer fits with Canada’s diverse and multicultural society. They argue that the regulation is particularly unjust to those who were born in Canada, but whose parents did not hold Canadian citizenship when they were born.

The lawsuit could have significant ramifications for Canada’s immigration system and may affect thousands of people who were previously barred from becoming Canadian citizens. While the government has yet to respond to the legal challenge, experts speculate that the case may eventually reach the Supreme Court of Canada.

The lawsuit highlights the ongoing debate and controversy surrounding Canada’s immigration policies and the rights of foreign-born Canadians. If the plaintiffs are successful in their challenge, it could lead to changes in Canadian immigration law and more equitable treatment for all those seeking citizenship in the country.