Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: ‘Proof of Immunization’ May Be Required in Occasions After COVID Vaccines’ Release
Although it had been heard from Ontario’s health minister Christine Elliott that vaccination to COVID will not be mandated in public healthcare settings, Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health suggested in a press conference, December 3rd, that certain places and settings would probably need you to show ‘proof of immunization’ before entering upon COVID vaccines becoming available in Ontario.
Schools, for example, will likely be one of the settings where Proof of Immunization is mandated. Some other public-facing institutes like hospitals and long-term care facilities might also require you to either show Proof of Immunization or wear PPE before you can be granted access.
“(It’s) not that someone is going to be forced to take it against their will. We don’t see there’s a need for that because we think anytime our vaccine products have been proven historically to be the best thing we have, and we’ve seen time and time again,” said Dr. Williams.
“We want to make sure you get it in the way you would like to get it, in the timing of it, and with all the information you need to make the best decision.”