Toronto Events Cancelled for 2020
It is safe to say that 2020 has been… a let down. With many large events being postponed or outright cancelled, we’re all left wondering “what’s next?”
This month, the City of Toronto has decided to extend its ban on all “City-led and City-permitted outdoor major events” until Dec. 31.
This cancellation has already forced the city to put a stop to events like the CNE, Taste of the Danforth, Pride, Caribana, and more. Now, its coming for our fall and winter events too in order to keep everyone safe.
From the announcement: “The decision has been made in consultation with Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, the City’s Emergency Operations Centre, Toronto Police Service, and major event organizers, and supports the directive that physical distancing is critical to stopping the spread of COVID-19.”
While we can’t say we’re happy about this decision, we can agree that safety should always come first! When the GTA’s numbers come down, we will enthusiastically welcome the return of our favourite events with our families and friends.
Below you can find a list of some of the fall and winter events that have been altered or cancelled due to this announcement.
- Nuit Blanche
- CIBC Run for the Cure
- Himalayan Mela
- Canadian and Chinese Traditional Art Show
- Toronto Waterfront Marathon
- Light the Night
- Korean Week
- Fairbank Village Pumpkin Giveaway, (cancelled)
- Hanley Halloween 2020
- Halloween on Church
- Festival of Lights
- Toronto Christmas Market
- The 115th Santa Claus Parade Toronto
- Bloor Yorkville Holiday Magic
- Beaches Lions Christmas Tree Sale
- North Etobicoke Santa Claus Parade
- Holiday Fair in the Square
- 30th Annual Kensington Market Winter Solstice
- New Year’s Eve on Nathan Phillips Square