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On Friday June 11 at 12:01 am, Toronto will start gradually reopening its doors as the city is about to enter the 1st step of Ontario’s economic reopening plan. As much as this moment excites all Torontonians, it also raises some questions regarding what exactly is going to be available and allowed from this Friday onwards. Currently, at this stage of coming out of the quarantine, the city’s residents will get a chance of returning to mostly their favorite outdoor activities. Starting from this weekend, outdoor dining is allowed with up to 4 people per table (exceptions for larger households). Among other exciting updates, we all will get a chance to come back to outdoor fitness training, overnight camping at campsites, enjoying zoos, botanical gardens, and historical landmarks. The residents are required to follow Covid-19 precaution rules including following the rules of limited capacity, social distancing, and other restrictions where those are needed.

Ontario will remain in Step 1 for at least 21 days before entering the 2nd step.