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Life looks a little different nowadays, and with travel restrictions not anywhere close to easing up if you’re really looking to travel you’re going to have to try and stay there for as long as you can. There are a few countries in Europe where as a Canadian you are allowed to work and live in those countries for up to 12 months on a working visa even now during covid.

Some great choices to travel to on a working visa as a Canadian are – Costa Rica, Germany, Greece! If you have ever wanted to travel to any of these places or any other place in Europe then it would definitely be in your best interest to search up what their individual working visas mean and what you are allowed to do as a Canadian citizen. If you want to travel but you’re looking for something that is both affordable and sustainable, getting a working visa and being able to continuously work and have an income in a foreign country is a great way of making the financing situation part of the trip a little bit more easier.

Another great tip would be to sign up for a Workaway program. With these programs you are able to travel to another country or even within Canada and live with another family for an extended period of time (times vary per host). You help them out with day to day tasks, and normally only work about 4 hours a day! But you get to enjoy a whole other country with free lodging while helping out some locals! Quite an amazing experience.

If you’d really like some more information leave us a comment on one of our socials and we’ll do some more digging for you because we want to help you to travel safely when the time is right!