Toronto Transit Commission is in a Chaos
On the same night that a gang of females rushed and murdered a man downtown, Toronto Police are presently looking into a series of random attacks on the system by a group of adolescent girls around a month ago.
At Yonge and Bloor, a man was recently forced into the rails, the third such occurrence at that station in the last 14 months.
Transit fatalities from last year were Vanessa Kurpiewska, 31, of Toronto, who was stabbed in December at High Park Station, and Nyima Dolma, 28, who was set ablaze in June at Kipling station.
Numerous other violent and sexual assaults against TTC patrons and employees occurred in 2022.
It took thirty minutes for transit security to arrive following a brawl that recently broke out on a train station. Simply said, there aren’t enough cops to patrol the entire city.
Regular TTC employees are not allowed to get involved in fights for their own safety; instead, they must wait for emergency personnel and/or TTC supervisors.
With a $53 million increase over the funds allotted for the TTC in 2022, the City of Toronto recently released budget specifics that prioritise housing, transit, and public safety.
This will make it possible to hire 10 more Streets to Homes employees and 50 more TTC Special Constables, who will be able to assist vulnerable passengers in the transport system.
When it comes to safety and security, Rick Leary, the TTC’s chief executive officer, the Mayor of Toronto, the Toronto Police, and union representatives must all work together, according to Stuart Green, the TTC’s spokesperson.