Indigenous eats near you
Take a look at the restaurants listed as popular in your specific area where you reside. You’ll see maybe a variety of Asian, American, Mexican, Middle Eastern, or healthy eats. If a different dining experience is what you’re looking for then this next spot is surely the place for you.
Tea n Bannock promotes Indigenous cuisine with their cheery and laid-back eatery that offers different types of aboriginal dishes which will often include Buffalo, elk and frybread.
The reviews listed online consistently rave about this spot and for good reason too. They provide a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere within the restaurant but also amazing quality food if you’re taking anything to go. Many reviews also state that it is worth driving across the city for so that is going to be my next step when regions start to reopen again, and life can attempt to resume back to normal. Some menu items that we would try at this Native American restaurant would be the bison burger or the Bannock bread.
Take a look at their menu, and you can place an order through Ritual Co. Take a look around you next time you plan on going out to eat, or even to order in… try something out of your comfort zone and you may just stumble on your new go to spot!