Yonge Street Set To Get Major Makeover
Thanks to the YongeTOmorrow plan receiving the majority city council vote, plans will begin to restrict vehicle traffic along the stretch of Yonge Street between Queen and Church/Carlton. This plan, although not scheduled for construction for at least 2 years, will encourage more pedestrian, event, cyclist and green space.
This plan has been in the works for around 10 years, and will give the city much needed outdoor gathering spaces, seating surrounding local businesses, and curbside activity zones. New cycle tracks are set to be added to Yonge Street between College/Carlton and Gerrard. Car access will be restricted based on certain times in the day. These proposed solutions aim at reducing vehicle traffic and driving speeds with the use of protected bike lanes and more separation between vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. The plans are still subject to consultation and will continue to evolve over the years.